Recommended Interesting Articles


How to promote healthy pride in children

Pride at first can seem negative because in principle it prevents people from recognizing their mistakes or learning from what they have not done well. But really pride can be a very positive thing if you know how to handle it properly. Pride can be related to feeling good about yourself and family without having to brag to others.
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Siblings: advantages and disadvantages of the age difference

Today we can plan how many children we want to have and even what will be the age difference between them. While there are couples who prefer to have their children very often to concentrate, in a few years, the task of getting them forward and that both are playmates, others prefer that the age difference is greater to enjoy each child separately and prolong the presence of a baby in the family for longer.
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It cannot be more beautiful. Cute short poem for children about the field

The warmth of the sun on your skin, the breeze that caresses your face, the song of the birds that relaxes you ... How beautiful the countryside is! Do you usually go out into nature a lot with your children? Contact with nature is very beneficial for everyone, for children and adults. This short poem tells children about the countryside in a very joyful way.
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Light and alcohol-free sangria. Recipe for children.

Sangria is a drink that contains ingredients such as wine and the pulps or peels of some citrus fruits. Its origin is not entirely defined. Although we know it as the quintessential Spanish drink, there are indications that it was a drink invented by the English since they drink it a lot in the English and French colonies of America.
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A baby is terrified to see the Chinese shadows that his father makes

There are videos that become viral as soon as you publish them, this is one of them. This is the frightened reaction of a baby when she sees the Chinese shadows that her father makes. The girl does not realize that the shadow she sees on the sidewalk is not a monster, nor a dog that wants to bite her, it is only her father's hand playing & 39; Chinese shadows & 39 ;.
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Tricks for children to eat vegetables

What is the reaction of our children to a plate of vegetables? Several things can happen: that he begins to retch, that the food becomes ball and passes it eternally from one side to the other or that he does not want to if he wants to eat a bite, and that is that children eat with their eyes and vegetables They are not attracted to everything green leafy at all, nor does the smell of others like cauliflower or cabbage.
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