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Toy rocket. Recycling crafts

If this year you want to make Christmas decorations at home with the children, or even want to make toys at home for your children to give to their friends or cousins ​​on their birthday, we propose a very easy and quick idea to do ... And also cheap! It is an original rocket made with a roll of toilet paper and a lot of love.
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Antibiotics for children, when yes and when no?

The debate over antibiotics returns to the fore as an 18-month-old baby died in a small Pennsylvania town of an ear infection. Her parents were suspicious of antibiotics and vaccines, they did not want to administer medication to the girl who, according to the doctors, would have been saved with an antibiotic-based treatment.
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Is it safe to use forceps in labor?

When the time of delivery approaches, everyone tells us about theirs. It is as if the advanced state of the gut attracts the comments of friends, acquaintances and relatives. Childbirth is the quintessential experience of women, it allows us to actively participate in the miracle of life and many live it as an authentic heroism.
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How to prevent childhood poisoning with cleaning products

Is there a way that our children do not become intoxicated with the cleaning products we have at home? Although it is obvious, it is always necessary that we bear in mind that we cannot lose sight of everything that may be harmful to the health of children, and eliminate it instantly from their visual field.
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Carnival costumes for girls

Being a princess for a day or even for an afternoon or for a while is what many girls want when they have to choose a costume.The ballerina costume is one of the simplest to make. A tights and a little skirt are enough, and that's it. What better costume for a girl than the fairy or tinkerbell costume?
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Magic wand cookies, step by step recipe

The tales of princesses and princes are always a hit with the little ones. Girls love to dress up as a fairy, and you can give their costume a very sweet touch with this recipe for children of magic wand cookies.You can choose your favorite recipe, in Guí we propose you some simple butter or margarine pastries that They can be turned into great magic wands with a skewer stick for a whole afternoon of family fun.
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