Recommended Interesting Articles


Teachers who leave a mark on children

Surely many parents would like to be able to look through a little hole at what is & 39; cooked & 39; in our son's class. Thus we could be eyewitnesses of the professional practice of teachers and how our son develops in school. But, in a way, we can access this little window, looking through the happiness of our children when they go to school; they faithfully reflect tranquility and satisfaction, or conversely, the indifference, anxiety or concern they feel.
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American pancakes: for breakfast or children's snack

There is no breakfast, snack, dessert or sweet that children like more than traditional pancakes. This recipe for American omelettes is one of the best, it is easy and quick to make and you can also accompany it not only with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrup, but also with crispy bacon and scrambled eggs, well American style.
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Ideas for a picnic with the kids

When the good weather arrives, outdoor plans multiply. Enjoying the sunlight and the possibilities of nature as a family is an adventure when we have time to do it with the children, which is why it is quite common that with the arrival of summer the possibility of having a picnic in family, where children always have a special role and who enjoy eating and playing outdoors to the maximum.
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Profile of a hyperactive child

Mª Jesús Ordóñez, Primary Care Pediatrician, and co-author of the book & 39; You are not alone & 39;, explains from what age Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be diagnosed and what is the profile of a hyperactive child. For these parents, the diagnosis came very late, when their son was 14 years old.
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How to prepare a vacation trip with a baby

Just thinking about having to carry bags, crib, toys, diapers and everything that goes with caring for a baby, many parents come to feel discouraged to schedule a vacation trip. Some go to the point of preferring to stay home than having to pack everything they would need to bring.
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